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3 Tips To Stay In Shape At Home

By March 23, 2020Uncategorized

With the very unfortunate news that all gyms across the UK were to close immediately, we now have an even greater challenge in working towards our individual fitness and/or physical performance goals.

Here are 3 tips to keep you on track!



With many of us now either working from home or self-isolating at home, it is to be expected that there will be a massive drop in daily energy expenditure (overall calorie burn per day).

To offset this, ensure that you are still moving as much as possible. This may mean setting a daily step goal and adding in walks to ensure you hit this goal.

You could also add more exercise into your day to make up for this lack of movement. A jog, a bodyweight circuit or maybe even an exercise machine that you may be able to get your hands on.

We need to continue some form of calorie burn to avoid slipping into an accidental calorie surplus. The outcome of not doing so… gaining bodyfat!



Most of my athletes and clients will know that I’m a big fan of tracking calories and knowing what foods and how much of these foods are you putting in your body (macronutrient tracking for those who are slightly more advanced).

Some of the biggest obstacles with accurately monitoring your nutrition include; eating on the go, meals out at restaurants and not being able to prep meals.


Working/self-isolating at home means that eating the foods you want to eat, prepared the way you want it… is now totally possible!

This is a double-edged sword however! Make sure you don’t stock up on too much sweets, crisps, snacks and booze… keep these out of your cupboard if possible, to help you stay on track.

P.S. Those struggling with sourcing certain foods, avoid big chain supermarkets and visit local corner shops and farm shops instead.



With no gym access, you will be forced off your usual training routine that you may have become quite comfortable with, enjoyed and potentially seen great results from.

Do not worry however. Results can still be had, we just need to change the training stimulus.

This means using the equipment you might have available and making it work!

It may not be perfect but by using a range of different training techniques, you’ll be quite surprised with what you can get out of limited equipment.

Experiment with slowing movements down, paused reps, new bodyweight exercises, partner assisted exercises and more if you get creative!

I would recommend purchasing resistance bands if possible, purely due to their price, versatility and how compact they are. A great training tool for anyone training at home.


If you are struggling to stay on track with your training and need a fully structured training plan, nutrition strategies, someone to keep you accountable weekly and more!

Please fill out my consultation form to see if we are a good fit to work together: https://thesandcpt.wufoo.com/forms/z14qxxod0zqdmlo/

If you are struggling to create a training plan that fits your goal, with the limited equipment that you have, please get in contact for your custom training programme for just £30.

Please directly message me via:

Instagram: lloydtonkin.sandcpt


Facebook: Lloyd Tonkin S&C/PT

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