In-person or online/remote Strength and Conditioning coaching is a service that allows for an athlete or anyone interested in improving their physical performance to reach the next level.

Strength and Conditioning can help reach goals such as:

  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Increased strength and power
  • Improved agility and speed
  • Improved mobility and general movement
  • Reduced risk of injury
  • Improved nutrition, hydration and supplementation day to day and around performance
  • Improved recovery protocols
  • Improved understanding of what produces good physical performance

If you play a sport or participate in a performance-related competitive exercise and you do not have any strength and conditioning/sports science support alongside your training, then you will be leaving some results on the table.

With these services becoming more and more popular due to the growing understanding of how they can greatly improve performance, if you do not keep up you will get left behind by the competition.

Strength and Conditioning is ideal for anyone lacking the following:

  • General fitness
  • General strength and power
  • Ability to perform basic movement patterns (mobility restrictions)
  • Lack of knowledge with training techniques such as strength training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics etc.
  • Lack of any injury prevention measures 
  • Lack of understanding and use of recovery methods or workload monitoring
  • Lack understanding of changes in training periods (periodized programmes)
  • How to ensure what is being done in the gym correlates to an improved performance

Hiring a Strength and Conditioning Coach or Sport Scientist may be vital in your development as an athlete. However, you need to ensure you hire the correct coach for you and your goals. Research has demonstrated that doing incorrect training can result in decrements in performance!

The last thing you want is to implement a strength training programme only to find out that it hasn’t translated to a better performance and has negatively affected your mobility, running speed or power production (very common).

Another example being plyometrics. When programmed or performed incorrectly, they have the potential to cause injuries through overuse or by reinforcing bad mechanics.

Here at The S&CPT we take education and experience very seriously, having invested in degree and masters education, focusing research in areas of strength and conditioning and sports science such as; soft tissue manipulation, Post Activation Potentiation, Training Stress Balance, Olympic Weightlifting (advanced coaching and technique analysis), optimal hypertrophy training and recovery protocols.

Everything has a purpose and practical application in improving physical performance. To ensure this with our coaching services, all knowledge is supported by contemporary research and proven with practical application.

Having already worked with and coached a wide range of athletes from different sports at professional (Cricket, Rugby, Basketball, MMA) and amateur levels (Academy cricket, basketball, Superbike racing, women’s rugby, youth and adult athletics), the application of strength and conditioning/sport science to any sport is possible.

Fortunately for anyone working with The S&CPT, we also have the luxury of being closely connected with a range of different performance and physical support staff. Meaning no issue or limitation will go untreated/unsolved during our time working together.

Online Strength & Conditioning

An online, remote coaching service providing a more affordable and a more time efficient alternative to potentially hard to find strength and conditioning services. This service provides you with evidence based training, recovery and nutrition protocols to help improve your sport performance.

  • Comprehensive training and injury prevention programme created specifically around your goal, training ability and your current training/match schedule.
  • Recovery programme.
  • A daily nutrition strategy chosen to fit your performance goal and current lifestyle.
  • Pre, during and post-performance nutrition plan.
  • Supplementation Programme (if requested and necessary).
  • 24/7 support via WhatsApp.
  • Weekly Check-In Feedback (WhatsApp, Phone call, Facetime, In-person).
  • Monitored progress (nutrition and resistance training progression).
  • Wellbeing monitoring (Stress, sleep monitoring etc.)
  • Feedback on exercise technique (when provided with video).
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Strength and conditioning in-person service

In-person strength and conditioning coaching is most suitable for anyone requiring face to face coaching to improve their physical performance in their sport. Certain aspects of strength and conditioning can be difficult to coach outside of face to face coaching without past experience.

  • Comprehensive training and injury prevention programme created specifically around your goal, training ability and your current training/match schedule.
  • Experienced coaching in aspects of training such as: Olympic lifting, plyometrics, sprint training, movement mechanics, mobility and medicine ball training.
  • Recovery programme.
  • A daily nutrition strategy chosen to fit your performance goal and current lifestyle.
  • Pre, during and post-performance nutrition plan.
  • Supplementation Programme (if requested and necessary).
  • 24/7 support via WhatsApp.
  • Monitored progress (nutrition and resistance training progression).
  • Feedback on exercise technique during coaching sessions.
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